Sauce, Spicy and Seductive

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Balado sauce from manado, Indonesia
Balado Sauce

Spicy food is unappetizing. Why not?, Spicy foods can increase appetite and increase enjoyment in food consumption. Each country has a characteristic spicy cuisine. Spicy dishes spicy depending on the tastes of each country.

Indonesia is located in the Asian region is one of the spicy food lovers. Nature is rich in herbs and spices to make Indonesia has a lot of spicy dishes. Starting from spicy moderate to high level.

One of spicy Indonesian cuisine that is shaped sambal. Sambal is sauce prepared with the main ingredient of chilli crushed so out juice content and chili spicy taste combined with other complementary materials. The main ingredient to make the sambal is chili. Sambal usually innovate with various other ingredients and spices to enhance the flavor. In addition to the spicy, sambal also functioned as a garnish to enhance the appearance of cuisine. Bright colors tend to be very appropriate for use as a garnish.

garnish from sambal

Indonesia has many kinds of sambal. Each region has its own type of sambal. For example in the area of Manado, people enjoy Balado sambal. Sambal Oncom of western Java, and walnut sambal from Maluku.

Nutrient content owned sambal no less important. Its like a delicious and nutritious food and to increase appetite.  From some reference, it turned into sambal nutrients are pervasive prevent stroke, heart disease, and impotence. Chili sambal making materials that contain vitamin C and beta-carotene (Pro Vit. A). A substance that is contained in chili defeat fruits such as mango, pineapple or watermelon. Even levels of minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus defeat mineral content contained on fresh fish.

One part that makes chili peppers spicy is "capsaicin" which is stored in muscles or point of attachment of white chili peppers. And of course the greatest efficacy of capsaicin in chili lies in this. At the quotation of several references that capsaicin is an anticoagulant. keep blood dilute and prevent the formation of crust of fat in blood vessels. 

In detail, chili is one of the agricultural commodities that are needed in everyday life. These commodities containing compounds and nutrients that have great benefits for the body. Chili compounds include: kapsaikin, flavenoid, kapsisidin, kapsikol, and essential oils.

sambal rich in nutritional

From an article explained that the nutrient content of chili per 100 gram:
  • Energy 318 kcal
  • Water 8:05 mg
  • Protein 12.01 mg
  • Lipid 17.27 mg
  • Ashes 6.04 mg
  • Carbohydrates 56.63 mg
  • Fiber 27.20 mg
  • Sugar 10.34 mg
  • Calcium (ca) 148.00 mg
  • Iron (fe) 7.80 mg
  • Magnesium (mg) 152.00 mg
  • Phosphorus (P) 293.00 mg
  • Potassium (K) 2014.00 mg
  • Sodium (Na) 30.00
  • Zinc (Zn) 2.48 mg
  • Copper (Cu) 0.37 mg
  • Manganese (Mn) 2.00 mg
  • Selenium (Se) of 8.80 mcg
  • Vitamin C 76.40 mg
  • 0.33 mg thiamin
  • Riboflavin 0.92 mg
  • Niacin 8.70 mg
  • Vitamin B6 2.45 mg
  • Folate 106.00 mcg
  • Choline 51.50 mg
  • Vitamin A 41.61 SI
  • Vitamin E 29.83 mg
  • Vitamin K 80.30 mcg
  • Fatty Acid 3.26 G
  • Phytosterols 83.00 mg
  • Beta Carotene 21840.00 mcg
  • Beta-cryptoxanthin 6252.00
  • Lutein + Zeoxanthin 12157.00

Consuming chili regularly can also delay kerentaan body. But for those who are very sensitive to chilies, enforcing can experience stomach cramps and even diarrhea. Although the condition of the body strong enough to accept the spicy cuisine, but if too much can be fatal to health.

Thank you so much.

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